Review Process

Review Process

All the articles sent to the journal’s office via the Journal’s website are initially reviewed by the editorial committee. Then, if they are in line with the journal’s objectives and the authors’ guidance principles, they are peer reviewed. If an article is found to be unsuitable for publishing, authors will be notified within 3 days.

Peer reviewing process: The articles are sent to at least two competent reviewers.

Review process in Journal of Development Strategies in Medical Education double-blind and names of authors and reviewers remain confidential. Manuscripts enter the review process anonymously. In addition, this journal utilizes external reviewers to prevent possible decision biases pertaining to the acquaintance of authors with the editorial board members.

Reviewers’ comments are sent to the authors for revision. Revised manuscripts are re-evaluated by the editors and may be sent to more reviewers in cases of doubt in the integrity of the papers. Verified manuscripts are referred to the Editor-in-Chief for final decision which, if need arises, is made by consultation with the related editors. Review process may last between two to four weeks.

Acceptance of an article will be announced to the corresponding author after conducting all the changes required by the journal and final confirmation of the corresponding author. Evidently, the articles will be scheduled for publication. Any change in the name or order of authors will be possible only by gaining a request by the corresponding author and the beneficiary before the acceptance of the article. Throughout these steps, authors can be informed of their article’s status through the journal’s website.

Invited manuscripts, letters and commentaries are directly reviewed by the Editor-in-Chief or the related editors.

Proof Reading: A final PDF is sent to the corresponding author for proof reading before publication in order to avoid any mistakes. Corrections should be marked clearly and sent immediately to the Journal office.



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